Sunday, 31 July 2011

Tick Tock Ticking

Old writings from my hard drives, I was trying to imagine a scene for a film. There was a clock in the corner ticking away the timing of a robbery operation taking place down in Waigani. But as it happens the story was being told by the clock and would end not with the heist itself but with the clock becoming the observer, witness and the actual narrator of the story... because it keeps drawing people back to the scene of the crime while counting down to a day of reckoning and finally becoming the stress factor that brings about the conclusion...

Tick Tock Ticking:

It may sound very funny
but one day you'll be running
and you will turn to see
that once you were a story
this Tik Tok really ticks

You try to be convincing
when stood before the judges
articulate your version
your lawyers have a flair
but time will make you stop

The rules are always bent
and justice serves the rich
money frees corruption
the law is bought and sold
and poorest do the time

Our house is in a mess
rains fall through the thatch
the cats have grown too fat
so rats are hard to catch
we try to last the season

So overcome with fear
we fail to see and reason
so hopeful for reward
we stand for this injustice
our minds can hear the silence

They cruise our nation calmly
in steaming hot Waigani
their cars have air condition
and windows bullet proofed
they fear no ammunition

If you have so much power
why then must countless suffer?
we don't want all your money
you've promised that to others
Why don't you spare the lies?

You print your propaganda
to tell us of your worth
but think about your powers
how money gives them colour
yet time will bleach you bare

Once in that position
you start to scheme you scum
that chair is not your own
the people put you there
and they can throw you out

Tik Tok Ticking
your fear will fake some rhythm
you'll die without a drama
no twenty one gun salute
you failed to live with us

Martin Maden 1995

Goroka, the 16th of March 1995

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